Ava Cooper

Ava Cooper

Ava Cooper was born in native of San Bernardino, California, but grew up in Rialto, CA. Her parents came from affluent and influential political backgrounds. Her mother was originally from North Carolina but was raised in Brooklyn, New York, while her father was born in Louisiana but grew up in Los Angeles and Long Beach, California.

Ava is a well-educated woman with bachelor’s and master’s degrees. She is a determined and compassionate individual who strongly believes in herself and aims to inspire others to persevere. Despite facing numerous challenges in life, including motherhood, relationships with both good and bad men, and employment issues that led to setbacks and stress, her drive and determination never wavered. She maintains an optimistic outlook for a brighter future, not only for herself but also for her children.

Ava’s thirst for knowledge has played a significant role in shaping her into the person she is today. This book is for men, when it’s for women and single mothers, and anyone that want to be inspired to persevere by being inspired by my story ! which aspires to demonstrate that life can be tough. Still, with faith in God and unwavering determination, one can overcome any obstacle and realize one’s full potential in life.

Ava’s motivation to write this book came from her children and her experiences in Los Angeles, particularly in Hollywood, which further fueled her desire to become a purpose-driven and strategic mother. She also draws inspiration from observing young men and women striving to achieve a luxurious lifestyle.

Ava Cooper was born in native of San Bernardino, California, but grew up in Rialto CA. Her parents came from affluent and influential political backgrounds. Her mother was originally from North Carolina but was raised in Brooklyn, New York, while her father was born in Louisiana but grew up in Los Angeles and Long Beach, California.

Ava is a well-educated woman and has a bachelor’s and master’s degree. She is a determined, and compassionate individual who strongly believes in herself and aims to inspire others to persevere. Despite facing numerous challenges in life, including motherhood, relationships with both good and bad men and employment issues that led to setbacks and stress, her drive and determination never wavered. She maintains an optimistic outlook for a brighter future, not only for herself but also for her children.

Ava’s thirst for knowledge has played a significant role in shaping her into the person she is today.

This book is to inspire women and single mothers, and anyone that wants to persevere by being aligned to receive the knowledge and wisdom in this touching life-changing novel! 

 This motivational novel demonstrates that life can be tough. However, with faith in God and unwavering determination, one can overcome any obstacle and realize one’s full potential in life.

Ava’s motivation to write this book came from her children and her experiences in Los Angeles, particularly in Hollywood, which further fueled her desire to become a purpose-driven and strategic mother. She also draws inspiration from observing young men and women striving to achieve a luxurious lifestyle.

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Ava’s book is one of the best motivational book and an inspiring read for people who feel defeated and lost in life.
Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges

In her book, Ava encourages readers to never give up and fight the hurdles life throws at you!
Belief in God

Belief in God

Through her book, Ava tells her readers that the utmost belief in God and His strength can help you move mountains with ease.
About the Author
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About The Book

Below is the summary of the first five chapters of one of the motivational books for teenagers so readers can get an insight into her journey.

My Mother and San Bernardino

It was a mundane Monday in San Bernardino, people
were commuting to their morning shifts, and those that worked during the night were returning home from their night shifts. The indiscriminating fact about life in San Bernardino was everyone was going somewhere, but no one was actually settled. Everyone had different levels of aspirations; some were more ambitious than others, but each person living in the vicinity of San Bernardino was adamant about making their lifestyle better…

Adjusting to New Adoptive

They snatched me from my mother like I was nothing but a commodity. Yet, they say that animals are worse. Well at least a sow doesn’t abandon its cub until it has fully grown or learned the survival skills. A tigress would kill the predator or do her best to deny the custody of her cub to humans. A fox would rally her species at the very least to ensure that her younger stays protected and not taken away from her. Yet, it often said that animals are dealt with a worse hand…

New home but abysmal life

I would like to start this chapter with a dream I saw
at Liveria’s house, of course when I hadn’t seen her real

I sat on the same bench when I was first brought inside of that child welfare building after I was taken away from my mother warm lap. As I sat there wondering about my
immediate future, all the memories of the time I spend with my mother came rushing back. I remember how she bathed us as we played with the bubbles in our little bath tub. She would cup her hands and fill them with small floating bubbles and then place them on my head.

18 and Making Moves 

The man attending the counter of Trustee services
informed me that the account under my name was empty. I asked him to check again and even called out the syllables of my name. I refused to surrender my hope as I believed that all the suffering I had endured up until that point was to build my character. I believed that I was taken away from my mother and forced to perform menial tasks such as wiping the floors and cleaning the dishes so I could be better prepared for the responsibilities of adulthood…

This Girl is in her Twenties!

Though I had promised myself that I wouldn’t allow this betrayal, this fraud, and this cruelty to hinder my aspirations, I was only humans and could only suppress my emotions for so long. All the emotions a human possess stuck me at the same time as I realized that I was broke and had no value or possession that I could call property. I couldn’t claim ownership of a piece of land or a vehicle; those were the first two things I thought of buying when I would be given access to my trust fund…

Thinking back on my journey, I see a lot of similarities with the stories of many folks who are trying to make it out there. Just like single moms who face all sorts of curveballs but still manage to rise, I’ve had my share of ups and downs. Life can throw you some wild twists, but if you keep your head up, you can come out on top. I’ve come to believe that my success isn’t all just me – it’s also thanks to a little divine help from above.

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