About The Book

About the Book
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About The Book

Below is the summary of the first five chapters of Ava Cooper’s book so readers can get an insight into her journey.

My Mother and San Bernardino

It was a mundane Monday in San Bernardino, people
were commuting to their morning shifts, and those that worked during the night were returning home from their night shifts. The indiscriminating fact about life in San Bernardino was everyone was going somewhere, but no one was actually settled. Everyone had different levels of aspirations; some were more ambitious than others, but each person living in the vicinity of San Bernardino was adamant about making their lifestyle better…

Adjusting to New Adoptive

They snatched me from my mother like I was nothing but a commodity. Yet, they say that animals are worse. Well at least a sow doesn’t abandon its cub until it has fully grown or learned the survival skills. A tigress would kill the predator or do her best to deny the custody of her cub to humans. A fox would rally her species at the very least to ensure that her younger stays protected and not taken away from her. Yet, it often said that animals are dealt with a worse hand…

New home but abysmal life

I would like to start this chapter with a dream I saw
at Liveria’s house, of course when I hadn’t seen her real

I sat on the same bench when I was first brought inside of that child welfare building after I was taken away from my mother warm lap. As I sat there wondering about my
immediate future, all the memories of the time I spend with my mother came rushing back. I remember how she bathed us as we played with the bubbles in our little bath tub. She would cup her hands and fill them with small floating bubbles and then place them on my head.

18 and Making Moves 

The man attending the counter of Trustee services
informed me that the account under my name was empty. I asked him to check again and even called out the syllables of my name. I refused to surrender my hope as I believed that all the suffering I had endured up until that point was to build my character. I believed that I was taken away from my mother and forced to perform menial tasks such as wiping the floors and cleaning the dishes so I could be better prepared for the responsibilities of adulthood…

This Girl is in her Twenties!

Though I had promised myself that I wouldn’t allow this betrayal, this fraud, and this cruelty to hinder my aspirations, I was only humans and could only suppress my emotions for so long. All the emotions a human possess stuck me at the same time as I realized that I was broke and had no value or possession that I could call property. I couldn’t claim ownership of a piece of land or a vehicle; those were the first two things I thought of buying when I would be given access to my trust fund…

Thinking back on my journey, I see a lot of similarities with the stories of many folks who are trying to make it out there. Just like single moms who face all sorts of curveballs but still manage to rise, I’ve had my share of ups and downs. Life can throw you some wild twists, but if you keep your head up, you can come out on top. I’ve come to believe that my success isn’t all just me – it’s also thanks to a little divine help from above.

My Mother and San Bernardino

It was a mundane Monday in San Bernardino, people
were commuting to their morning shifts, and those that worked during the night were returning home from their night shifts. The indiscriminating fact about life in San Bernardino was everyone was going somewhere, but no one was actually settled. Everyone had different levels of aspirations; some were more ambitious than others, but each person living in the vicinity of San Bernardino was adamant about making their lifestyle better…

Adjusting to New Adoptive

They snatched me from my mother like I was nothing but a commodity. Yet, they say that animals are worse. Well at least a sow doesn’t abandon its cub until it has fully grown or learned the survival skills. A tigress would kill the predator or do her best to deny the custody of her cub to humans. A fox would rally her species at the very least to ensure that her younger stays protected and not taken away from her. Yet, it often said that animals are dealt with a worse hand…

New home but abysmal life

I would like to start this chapter with a dream I saw
at Liveria’s house, of course when I hadn’t seen her real

I sat on the same bench when I was first brought inside of that child welfare building after I was taken away from my mother warm lap. As I sat there wondering about my
immediate future, all the memories of the time I spend with my mother came rushing back. I remember how she bathed us as we played with the bubbles in our little bath tub. She would cup her hands and fill them with small floating bubbles and then place them on my head.

18 and Making Moves 

The man attending the counter of Trustee services
informed me that the account under my name was empty. I asked him to check again and even called out the syllables of my name. I refused to surrender my hope as I believed that all the suffering I had endured up until that point was to build my character. I believed that I was taken away from my mother and forced to perform menial tasks such as wiping the floors and cleaning the dishes so I could be better prepared for the responsibilities of adulthood…

This Girl is in her Twenties!

Though I had promised myself that I wouldn’t allow this betrayal, this fraud, and this cruelty to hinder my aspirations, I was only humans and could only suppress my emotions for so long. All the emotions a human possess stuck me at the same time as I realized that I was broke and had no value or possession that I could call property. I couldn’t claim ownership of a piece of land or a vehicle; those were the first two things I thought of buying when I would be given access to my trust fund…

A New Chapter Begins

Valentine’s Day of 1995 brought an unexpected turn in my relationship with Dylan. He dropped down on his knees and asked for my hand in marriage. Seeing his right hand extended towards me, his eyes filled with hope and love as he awaited my response, I knew that this man had good intentions. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of happiness, but deep down, I knew that marriage wasn’t something I was ready for at that moment. I was still very young and had a lot of things on my bucket list that needed to be accomplished…

Life’s Unexpected Turns

As I settled into my new life as a single mother, contentment enveloped me. Raising my boys and
maintaining my job at Bank of America kept me grounded and sane amidst life’s challenges. Each day brought a sense of fulfillment as I balanced my responsibilities and cherished moments with my children. I would wake up half past six sharp, take a shower and then prepare dinner for my kids and myself. Livera would sometimes help around in the kitchen seeing me juggle things…

Lionel and Lies

In 2004, I entered into a spiritual union and relocated to Houston the following year with my then-life partner,
Lionel. In 2005, with the support of my spiritual partner, I welcomed another baby into the world—a boy. It seemed the girly genes weren’t in my favor after all. After giving birth, my husband and I made the decision to make Houston our permanent home, partly influenced by an unforeseen emergency…

A Journey to Self- Discovery and Empowerment

As each day passed, I found myself embodying the
stereotype of the “Woman in her forties.” My life had been a journey through various trials and tribulations. I was
separated from my mother at a tender age and subjected to harsh living conditions. Thankfully, I was fortunate to find my first loving and compassionate adoptive family, a true home where family values prevailed…

Unveiling the Path to Success: Lessons from Adversity

Life’s journey is a tapestry of challenges and triumphs, a mosaic of setbacks and successes. Through the twists and turns of my own tumultuous path, I’ve discovered the secrets
to harnessing the power of a business mindset and building multiple streams of income. I’ve walked through the fire of adversity and emerged stronger, wiser, and determined to share the lessons I’ve learned with others who are on a similar quest for success…

Thinking back on my journey, I see a lot of similarities with the stories of many folks who are trying to make it out there. Just like single moms who face all sorts of curveballs but still manage to rise, I’ve had my share of ups and downs. Life can throw you some wild twists, but if you keep your head up, you can come out on top. I’ve come to believe that my success isn’t all just me – it’s also thanks to a little divine help from above.

The first chapter of the book is about Ava’s mother and San Bernardino and is dated to the 1970s. In the chapter, we read about the city of San Bernardino, its population, its lifestyle, and more. Additionally, the author also talks about her mother and how wonderful she was. But sadly, by the end of the chapter, a dreadful incident occurs that changes Ava’s childhood forever.
In chapter two, Ava talks about her journey of settling into an adoptive family, after being snatched from her mother. Luckily, the new foster mother was kind to Ava and her younger brother but as time passed and Ava grew older (8-10 years), her childhood got filled with chores, duties, and responsibilities and her life was not carefree and happy anymore. The last nail in the coffin was a violent incident after which Ava was put into a new home.
Chapter three talks about how the next adoptive couple in Ava’s life made her even more helpless and sad. Ava’s teenage years were spent in misery, working and obeying the commands the new woman made. She was forced to do all kinds of chores and cater to household duties, neglecting the fact that she was just a child.
Chapter four is about Ava trying to figure out what to do with her life as she turns 18. Sadly, her trust fund was empty as over the years her current adoptive family had taken all the money from it wrongfully, and not for Ava’s betterment. Over the years, Ava continued to do odd jobs to pay the rent to her adoptive mother and to make ends meet.
In chapter five, Ava is offered to live with her adoptive mother’s daughter-in-law, and in the hope of a better future, she moves in with her. But to Ava’s horror, her lifestyle was far from ideal and her new rent was very high. However, as Ava reached her 20s, she left the house and went to live with her adoptive sister thinking that her life would finally change and it did in certain aspects!